Beautiful Abstract Art to Excite Your Soul

You stop.

Your breath catches.

"Wow! Look at that!" you say. "That's amazing!"

Abstract Art - Peacock PaintingAbstract peacock painting in blues and greens.

Like sighting a stunning peacock, beautiful abstract art excites your soul in a way words can't come close to describing. You feel it in a place deep inside you.

Abstract art means different things to different people. To some, it's a way to express or vent their emotions. To others, a form of therapy.

For me, it's a way to add a little beauty to the world, one painting at a time.

Hi, I'm Terri! I'm a contemporary abstract artist working with fluid acrylic paints using a variety of different techniques on canvas. Find out more about me here.

This site is my painting diary as I explore this fun and interesting medium. Thank you for joining me on this journey! Feel free to wander around this little online gallery where I share my original artwork with the world. I hope you enjoy the hypnotic swirls and twirls of the dancing colors as much as I do.

If you find something you'd like to have in your home, simply contact me here. (link to contact form)